Cities (continued)

‘of course’ they said as we played in the water toe deep and more. My eyes are always transfixed on the point in which the sun sets and rises while the words escape me and wind up misrepresenting the equinox. There are choices that somehow seem wedged in the driest corner of my lips and spark chaos and lies and all that is holy in this world. We are left below when facing the rising sun and only move when the bell strikes three time three and once again for every rotation along the celestial pole. You count and I pray matching each other as we strive for forgiveness or perfection or absolution or some other grand idea that sparked a revolution. Returning from the shore side walking, as we did and always will, eastwards first with the wind and then due south along the ditch until we find home nestled between two giant trees that span between worlds.


i would mimic i was obsessed with yellow

your gestures spanish rose

memory and time rose and roared

out of step full bodied 

voices trapped as a descriptor

in magnetic tape too hot to sleep

reinstate the shades i would like to

pulled from a ceiling along the way

living on a hill avoid the trials

nothing is a surprise sit quietly

the future rolls in watching burnt things burn


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Cities #12

I wake with the weight of youth and regret. The air is sticky with the force of prosody. What is even the point of poetry or drawing out the lines? Are the strings in tune? I can not seem to hold the speed – steady as she goes. The trace minerals point to the inclusion of spectacle. Worlds within worlds carved and empty so that every scrap needs to be eaten. What was it O’Hara said about food and poetry about style and swagger about the city that chases me? What was my intention of starting this jaunt? We are greeted most morning by birds bickering as dreams start to unravel. The road is still there and I am still there and the inconsistencies of intimacy are all we have left. You take the high road and I take the low road and somehow, somewhere in this room or the next the history of this place or poem becomes manifest. The tide seems to ebb, taking with it feel part of the world. We are left with stretches of reference points and other anchors to cast.  



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Cities #11


Flowers are nice. The desire wound right around the starting line where the wind picks up. The hard outer shell sharp to a point opens out into pale blue blooms. The sky welcomes the shift and crumbled sheets where a tiny head and tiny hands lay sleeping. I pivot where the meaning starts to fray while remembering the kaleidoscope of orange and black land and flutter and land again. Resigning myself to the fact that I will not transform came easy, one look in the mirror and the wound reopened in the present tense. Breathing does not come easy, every movement is forced and considered but somehow I play my part in reseeding the wildflowers and weeds. I am worth my weight in fruit or at least I take that to be my truth.

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Cities (working title) #10

When the line is loose all bets are off and somewhere the voices and somehow the insignificant details start to glow. The wind that felled the tree never seemed like felling me but I crumble and crumble and only hope for the world to turn. To begin, a word is a bold assertion of time and purpose and love and being with or without yet somehow I struggle to decide what to eat and when to care. I strip it all back and every day I strip it all back to find guilt and shame and history. I have no eye for detail or colour or position or numbers or social niceties. I lie. For a time and round deep and background noise I play ball and laugh and nod and hit every note. The move is step and step and turn and turn up the volume. Hold your own, throw a ball, let your chest swell, make your mark, fill your lungs. The list is the shortest point between a and being someone else so I fold myself in to take up less space because already the world is too full of chatter.

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we draw the long birds

to scale across multi volumes


tracing the vivid bachelor button

through cornfields and the history of horticulture


my namesake by the ditch

supplanted in winter 


align the jack

and wade to the edge


a flush and a spring



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fashions for forgetting  

lonely is not a state of being

but being without

planted among the crises

which continuously bloom

born out of winter

the crawling wind takes love

turns of a two-pence

and ‘hey’ he said 

walking swiftly along the equilibrium

sequin bellasandrian 

we call our mothers

mother and trail lights

red and blue and the sudden drop

and green and blue and blue

and red wither 

to      step     out

amongst the asphalt and afternoon drinkies

seized by the longing for guilt and other histories

the stinging sweetness casts into the ebb

we fall apart 

smacking our lips to the sound of snares and hi-hats 

losing the breeched vocal irregularities

it is unavoidable

it is the undeniable that makes us believe

in the turning point crackle

tear up

poor ponder

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24.06.2020 (carried on from yesterday)


we follow the path into the forest.

the branches spread and weave like a government slogan.

we fought the mark and bought the bile 

while wild flowers grew and swept the way, by the way, along the wayside and fell. 

we all fall.

it is the fixed point in history.

god is change. 

a great beauty and all that.

at the end of the day 

in line with the face of life

from a table or the table in the middle of eighteen gray houses

we rose in accordance 

developing before becoming laws of the state

heads to hold

i found you sleeping and struggled to carry you 

i find you and i find my brother along the dead run road

i find the air is verbal 

where we gather now is fraught with cryptic messages

i desire to unfurl the gut feels that language lost

failing to call into being 


those wee explosions leave me bate and fightless

sin is the lived experience

turned to bone or bony tissue

sup from the verb

the question not intended 


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we follow the path into the forest.

the branches spread and weave like a government slogan.

we fought the mark and bought the bile 

while wild flowers grew and swept the way, by the way, along the wayside and fell. 

we all fall.

it is the fixed point in history.

god is change. 

a great beauty and all that.

at the end of the day in line with the face of life

from a table or the table in the middle of 

eighteen gray houses

we rose in accordance 

developing before becoming laws of the state


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